Advertising Design
Lincoln Hodnett, BA., Instructor
The Advertising Design Academy provides classroom and laboratory experiences in new and emerging technology for all aspects of commercial art in addition to meeting requirements for the state course of study for visual arts. There is an emphasis on industry-current technology, including digital illustration and imaging, web and multimedia. Advertising Design Technology instruction uses a discipline based arts education approach, through the study of art production, art criticism, art history, and aesthetics.
The Advertising Design curriculum is designed to provide students with the advanced skills necessary to acquire proficiency in:
Graphic Design
Program Goals:
Students will be trained in the development of concept and design for promotional materials such as magazine advertisements, posters, folders, letterheads, corporate symbols, brochures, booklets, preparation of art for printing, lettering and typography, photography, and electronic media.
Students must take the following academy courses:
Introduction to Advertising Design 9
Digital Design 10
Graphic Illustration 11
Studio Portfolio 12
Students demonstrate leadership, citizenship, work ethic, cooperative attitudes, patriotism, and social skills through participation in student organizations. Instructions and training in the areas of care, maintenance, and use of tools and equipment, and all applicable local, state, and federal safety and environmental regulations is provided.
Club Affiliations: SkillsUSA